Write For us “Top Discover Website” | Google News Website | Tyre Hexa | Automobile

Welcome to TyreHexa.com: Your Platform for Quality Content

Welcome to TyreHexa.com, your premier destination for insightful content on automobiles, news, and everything related to cars. With over 100k monthly users predominantly from Google Search, Google News, and Google Discover, we are rapidly expanding and inviting contributions from our valued readers like you.

If you’re eager to share your expertise and insights with our audience, you’ve come to the right place. We’re excited to announce that we are now accepting article submissions from our readers.

Becoming a Contributor at TyreHexa.com

Becoming a regular contributor at TyreHexa.com is a straightforward process, but it requires attention to detail and a commitment to quality. Here are some important tips to ensure that your writing material is accepted and published:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Our Content: Take a tour of our blog’s homepage and explore our various pages to understand the type of content we typically publish. Craft your articles to align with our audience’s interests and preferences.
  2. Focus on Quality: Quality is paramount. Your article should be a minimum of 700 words and should delve into the topic in depth. Originality is key – avoid using rewriter tools and strive to deliver unique insights and perspectives.
  3. Categories We Accept Articles From: We welcome articles in the following categories:
    • Automobile
    • News
    • Wheels
    • Tyres(Tire)
    • Used Cars
    • Other Car-related topics
  4. Key Points to Remember Before Submission:
    • Ensure your content is plagiarism-free and entirely original.
    • Properly credit any sources or individuals if your ideas are derivative.
    • Enhance your articles with multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, images, and gifs to engage our audience.
    • Limit self-promotion to one DoFollow link to your blog or website.
  5. Copyright Compliance: Respect intellectual property rights. Plagiarized content will be rejected, and publishing the same content elsewhere after submission to TyreHexa.com will result in immediate removal from our platform and a ban.

Submitting Your Guest Post

Ready to submit your guest post? Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Send your article in a Word file format.
  2. Include a featured image and any other relevant images.
  3. Email your submission to wheelwale@gmail.com.

Publication Process

Upon approval, your content will be published within 24 hours of submission, and you’ll receive a confirmation via email.

Contact Us

Thank you for considering TyreHexa.com for your guest post submission. For any inquiries or guest post queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at wheelwale@gmail.com.

We strive to respond to all support requests within 24-48 hours. Your contributions are valued, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for being a part of the TyreHexa.com community!

Advance Search Queries to Find Guest Posting Websites


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  • WordPress + submit blog post
  • Internet of Things + “guest blog submission”
  • Cloud Technology + “submit an article”
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